
It’s a matter of organization. It all boils down to how something is organized. I think the world is organized improperly for the benefit of the public.

We never hear about bosses and CEO’s being abused by their employees. We only here the opposite. If the economy was organized evenly and fairly we would get abuse from both sides. Though economic abuse primarily comes from the TOP down.

In the same way, when something is organized, it tends to create illusions of truth that fit within its organization. We’ve seen the misinterpretation of religious text to justify murder several times throughout history. But is the religion bad? Surely not. Religion is inanimate, simply an idea. As is government and economy. It is how we organize these ideas into something palpable, speak-able, doable, machine like. This is how injustice unfolds. When we organize things to benefit the self rather then the whole, inequality is created. When the approach is individualistic instead of universal, we create imbalance.

So we must not whine and cry about injustice, instead we must reorganize the system so that it is in the interest of all people. Regardless of gender, color, creed, CLASS and so forth. If every one new what they could have in the same world, with the same resources we have… If things were just organized differently, we would all be flying off the couch and starting the movement in our living room. Don’t be fooled by the illusion that this system has organized itself to trick you with. Paradise is for everyone.

The Redskins Issue. And Pharrel Williams too.

This Redskin debacle is ridiculous. And the thing with Pharrell Williams too. The man has every right to put on any sort of head dress. The owner of the team has every right to call it whatever he wants. Free country right? And no one cared until it became trendy. A trend started by a sell out who does the same thing that was done to his ancestors, which is take other people’s valuables. You know what the real crime is? The under examined genocide of the native people. The robbery that took place when America was ‘winning the west’. For God’s sake, a true Native could care less about the name of a football team. How about the lies that are told to make the Native to American land transition look peaceful. Yes, I am sure the Indians traded their lands for jewelry. You know it must have made sense to give up their livelihood for things that were absolutely useless to them. You think changing the name of a football team and casting out racial offenders like leapers is going to give the natives back their story? You think it is going to Un-disenfranchise them? Do you think it will bring the many slaughtered men women and children back to life? Once again we miss the point and confuse modest expression with racism. Pointing the finger at one another instead of baring witness to the real problem. The new age of liberation for the races is absolute BS. Take it from me, an actual Redskin. #Redskins


I am my father’s son
I am my Mother’s pride and joy
I am the feelings I have felt
I am the hand that I was dealt
I am the blood and sweat and tears
And years of scars from cuts and welts
I am the stardust coalescing, manifesting into form
I am the thoughts I have, that recognizing pain as norm

I await for shoes to drop
Fear the train that doesn’t stop
When I feel free, I search for chain
Does man’s flesh deserve his brain?
Why does times tick, preserve the stain?
The old dog’s tricks we serve in vain
Well, I am my father’s son…

The slamming doors and crashing dishes
Our hands pressed so tightly on our ears
It felt as if they touched
To speak our prayers and wishes
The screaming and the yelling
There was never any telling
How it all would end
So now we play pretend
All we knew was to defend

So many miles placed between us
Our journey home from coast to coast
Life gets hard escaping demons
That run like wind and play it close
No matter who, no matter what
We always found a villain we could loathe
Placing Devils in our hells
Even if it was ourselves

I tried to be the man
That dwelled inside the cave
Illuminating darkness
For our lives were made depraved
I tried to bring out smiles
The ones that showed the teeth
And though my task seemed hopeless
I didn’t know defeat

For I am my Father’s son
I am my Mother’s Pride and Joy
A new chapter has begun
Still inside, hides the boy

I am now a man, my father’s age I most remember
In the pictures in my mind and photographs that seek the embers
What have I become?
What Legend do I seek?
Recognition and acceptance
Rest atop my mountain’s peak
What sort of stardust, charged by karma,
Does my Dharma represent?
I pray one day my life is play
My mission heaven sent

Though, for now, I question why
I create this so called art
To make my father proud?
To heal my Mother’s heart?
Because I am my Father’s son
My Mother’s pride and joy

Racism: A reponse to the recent issues with race

So there has been a lot of controversial race issues in the news lately so I would like to speak on it. Racism is not cool, we all know that, or most of us do. But what is less cool is how you handle it. Whenever someone allegedly or actually says something racist, we get up in arms, angry, and elitist. Its a bad character trait, yes. But why are people racist? Are they born racist? When they are in the womb, do they choose to be racist? Are they being racist just to spite another human being? The answer to all these questions is no. These people are confused. And in their confusion they are sure they are right. Yes they are ignorant about being ignorant. But take it as it is, they are at a disadvantage. So before you go on complaining about this person or that person, realize what complaining does. And then ask yourself what would solve the issue indefinitely instead of temporarily. Love and understanding, being a diplomat and representing, showing confused people what is true. That all men and women are created equally. People learned to be racist from places where they thought they could trust that the information was true. Get it through your heads, they have been brainwashed. They need help not degradation. And most of all, remember who the first racists were in America. Government, Media and Big Business. They taught us everything we know about inequality among races. They are the reason for all the racism in America. Period.

Possesing Life

When we watched the other animals on the planet, what do we see? We see them play, we see them eat, sleep etc. Sometimes we even see them suffer. They may suffer from a lack of something, or some other introduction of pain. But they don’t think about there own suffering. They don’t worry about a suffering that may occur in the future. So they don’t suffer over the thought of suffering. They also don’t acquire goods to any extent.  They don’t build up their material possessions. A dog may have a bone, a monkey may play with a stick. But none aim to gain a substantial amount of them to use as finance. Nothing to gain, nothing to lose. They are living in the most basic of ways. What we call the indigenous or the nomads are the only logical comparison within  the human species. Though what have we gained? I have been having trouble lately, dealing with my attachment to possessions. I think about losing the things that protect my existence, like money and materials. I worry about losing the people I love. I worry about losing my mind, and I worry about losing my life. I have been getting short of breath, anxious and subsequently exhausted from the ordeal. Then I realize, that I have no control over these things, and that my desire to control these things is what causes me so much stress. We have to let go. We must admit to ourselves that we do not have control, we must realize that we cannot posses anything. We must also realize we may not know anything about anything. We can only do one thing for sure. Play and enjoy it while it is here. Whatever it is that comes and goes through our lives, even life itself, is but a passing thing, met to be adorned not possessed.


I think we are all well aware that the differences between a man and all other animals are just slight variances in the genetic code. We are of the same thing (DNA), it shouldn’t be that hard to see the connection. And once you see the relationship that is shared between man and lets say, a little field mouse, you can take it a step further and see that the things we call nonliving are not much different than us either. These things, on a smaller scale of measurement, are also our kin (Atomic). If you can be so open minded, you may be open to the suggestion that everything is a part of you and you are a part of everything. That all is interrelated, and strung together on web, united by a fundamental cause, created by a fundamental building block. At its most intrinsic, the universe shows us that we are all one with all things vibrating at various speeds. This is surely God.

Family Ties

Together we take the family portrait
I’ve heard your supposed to smile so I force it
The forces at work like winds of the hurricane…
No one knowing that your in pain
Or at what depths you’ve kept your emotions
The heart carves a trench in the ocean–
Hardened veins in the rock, locked in by time
I am unaware of many thoughts in my mind…
And though the ore is regressed in the hill
The rivers whisper, they never sit still
The trees speak of sorrow, the life gets ill
The night is filled with unrighteous kills

These family ties, there made like a noose
Sometimes I feel like I can’t break loose

The ground beneath crumbles…
We stumble;
Through the halls, we were all in trouble
Before the fall of our god of the noose
We were robbed of more than we thought we could loose
A thief in the night, troubled by his dreams
Acted in the day, as if we were enemies
But once he had left, the grief that we kept–
Had us at each others throats, always reached for the neck
We never came to terms, we just smiled and we squirmed
Inside, in our eyes is a fire that still burns;
A fire fed by a fuel unclean
A mystery that fully, few have seen

These family ties, there made like a noose
Sometimes I feel like I can’t break loose


The Unmapped Space

Many people talk about how much there is to explore in outer space. More people say that there is even greater mysteries to discover in the oceans. I find it fascinating that both of these mysterious realms are reminiscent of something even less discovered. The human brain. We spend so much time looking out at the stars and diving into the oceans looking for new things to be excited about. These novel things to be distracted by. Yet we barely know anything about ourselves. We get so exuberant about the limitless future yet we still have men on this planet that are willing to risk millions of lives to gain a 12% margin on their company’s profit. We still have men on this planet that think its OK to spill blood in the name of individual ideologies and gain. We have billions of people who aren’t even able to fulfill basic needs, while a small minority lives in pure ecstasy. We have traveled so far out and wide externally, that we have forsaken our own nature. We have forgotten the importance of knowing thyself, which is what connects us all to each other. So lets take a break from the depths of the seas and outer space, so we can tour inner space, and heal the wounds that are zealous lust for life inflicted.

I believe life …

I believe life is an illusion. Not to say that it isn’t real, though I believe it’s not as real as we think it is. The deception of this illusion embeds us intrinsically within matter, which springs forth false concepts like individualism and death. These concepts are the prerequisites for corruption.

There is more to life than meets the eye
Come on now, don’t be shy

Mark Needham

The Magic Redwood

/ The Magic Redwood:A Short Story


A Great Idea


Tell me another mystery


That would be lost to history


Had it not been spoken


Had hearts not been broken



This is a story with both a happy ending, and a tragic ending. It is a story I wrote, and only I could have written! So it is my great pleasure to tell it to you now. The circumstances that put me in the position to tell this story and those circumstances that led to the two very real outcomes that occurred simultaneously in the same (but also different) space in the universe were manifested as a result of a harrowing time in human ingenuity. It was the midway point in the Second World War, and there were great efforts to understand the concept of nuclear physics and the manipulation of very high energy, volatile molecules. With the pressure of two great enemies, one to the east and one to the west, America swooped in like the eagle it was, taking all these nuclear scientists with it and began pouring copious amounts of funding into a project that the government hoped would give them something with the power to end the war, and more diabolically, rule the world. So the mystery schools of America went to work. Many brilliant scientists from around the world began experimenting with great hopes of making dazzling discoveries and convincing those now in charge of the greatest project of all time to change their minds and their motives. Somewhere during the incessant prodding an poking, furnace of fire and surge of electricity, something incredible happened. The damn things blew up! Could have killed the glorious league of men and women responsible for the discovery had they been slightly more careless. But they survived, and began to mentally extrapolate what sort of amazing feats could be performed as a result of the dormant power that these little atoms contained. Now this is where it began to get hairy. The power to volume of these little chaotic buggers made nitro glycerin look like powder for firecrackers one would set off in the backyard on the Fourth of July. “What great power!” the men in well-tailored suits would say. These words were spoken with such vigor and arrogance; it drowned out the music being sung by the men and women who discovered the great quality of these little molecules.


You see there were two types of people in this dimension of earth. There were the men who ran the show. Those who wore the crowns and made the major decisions that affected the globe and humanity. These men were driven by a very powerful ghost, whose name was fear. These men believed that the only antidote for their fear was to create fear for all those around them, no matter friend or foe. These men, we will refer to as; those with brains for hearts. These men had from the beginning of time attempted to locate more and more efficient ways of terrifying and killing those around them. During WWII, those with brains for hearts were victim of the most fantastic and phantasmal fear of them all. Pure illusion! They believed they were about to lose control and die. There was no limit to what they would have done to save themselves from this nightmare of theirs, thank God there was a substantial limit on their imagination. That of course is why they relied on the other type of person in your dimension, whose discovery of these very powerful elements would become the Holy Grail of brains for heart’s warfare.


The second type of people were the people who should have run the show but didn’t. These people worked for the men who wore crowns. They delivered their discoveries and knowledge to the kings and the kings decided what was to be done with these new understandings of nature. This second type of human was driven by a very powerful ghost, whose name was curiosity. These men believed that the most important thing a man can do in this life is search for meaning, and know as much as he can possibly know, in attempts to understand eternal truths and serve humanity as a whole in the process. These men, we will refer to as; those with hearts for brains. You see at some point very long ago in your timeline of humanity, these men were very much in control of the affairs of the world in regards to people. They were a sought after bunch, almost worshiped by the common wealth. But somewhere along the line, those with brains for hearts tricked those with hearts for brains to take a break from ruling, so they could have more time to research. I’m sure you can figure which way this went. And after many protest and many wars and inquisitions and eugenics projects and so forth, those with hearts for brains were reduced, enslaved and so easily controlled.


“I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.” said Oppenheimer. Einstein added “I do not believe that civilization will be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps two-thirds of the people of the earth will be killed.” If you would have seen it yourself you would have been speechless. The first time they had collected enough of these intense pieces of matter and got them all together for that first party in the desert, it was as if they were celebrating the day man became God. Those with brains for hearts were in love while those with hearts for brains lie wasted in the depths of their souls, begging for forgiveness from whatever God they had turned their back on that day. That was the most important day of my life. That was the day I was born! Besides my birth, something else very remarkable happen that day. In the world you live in, many more bombs were dropped and finally two were dropped on two very populated cities in the country of Japan. To this day, people still die from the aftermath of those monsters. But when that first explosion occurred, when I was born, another world was created. A world where the powerful men and women with hearts for brains said “No!” It was a strange thing. The sheer power of that bomb caused time to come undone for just a moment, and in that moment, Albert Einstein had a thought. “What if we stopped them?” Who would have ever thought that these “meek” men of high mind could stop the military of the modern world? Only the men of high minds of course! “Who will build your bombs!” they said. “Who will create your algorithms and solve your complex equations?!” They screamed, as the first and only scientific coup to ever occur in human history became the benchmark of a civilization. And it happened right under your noses. It is a shame, and I wish you could be here with us. But a version of you is here, and so you cannot occupy this dimension with us. The version of you that you are experiencing is charged by fate, to live out the last one hundred years of your version of humanity. Now I will not spoil the ending for you, it will come soon enough. I will also not give you a history lesson of your earth for that would be redundant. What I will do is tell you the wonderful story of what happened over here, in the world where those with hearts for brains rule the human world.



This world though created at the moment when those with hearts for brains had taken over the affairs of America, was still in the midst of a great war. And though Germany had been all but defeated, there was still a very angry and powerful Japan. Something had to be done, or the now trendsetting, peace loving America could be defeated and picked apart by its enemies.


I won’t go into great detail about how the Magic Redwood was created but I will say this. Much the way that time had come undone during the first detonation of the bomb and the hearts of those great scientists were able to redirect all the energy of humanity into a completely new direction. At the very point at which you split an atom, at the point of that massive energy release, there is a point where one, if one were so inclined, could redirect that energy back into matter. Those who had hearts for brains were so inclined. It was Oppenheimer and Einstein who decided what it was that would be dropped on Japan. In what way the energy release would first be redirected. It was the most beautiful expression of sarcasm the world had ever seen. The world knew about the bomb. The world was impressed. But nothing could prepare them for what they experienced on August 5th 1945. When the bomb made contact with the earth, there was a roaring thunder. A deafening explosion. Unimaginable amounts of carbon dioxide gas had been inhaled by the bomb as it released just as much oxygen back out. People were taken off their feet as they watched the gargantuan creation of man and nature billow into the sky. There were a great many colors seen flashing over and over again. Hundreds of times the bomb went from green to yellow to orange to red. It towered so high in the sky shooting out much like that bomb did in the desert. Though once the explosion and the colors and the terror subsided, the bomb remained. Almost motionless it stood there, brown and green and three hundred feet tall. Because it was not a bomb, it was a tree, a beautiful, life giving Redwood. Imagine watching a Redwood grow from germination to towering tree in four seconds. That was The Magic Redwood. For a moment you would have thought it was the bomb that everyone was expecting. Except,


“Your magic tree of nature robs the environment around it of its oxygen, where The Magic Redwood gives it in abundance! Your Magic tree destroys all that can see it, The Magic Redwood supports all life that sees it. Your magic tree burns for many miles. The Magic Redwood provides shelter from the fiery sun.”


It didn’t take two Magic Redwoods to end the war. It only took one. The Japanese were so amazed, and so terrified they laid down their arms. They could not believe what America was capable of. They wondered what else they could do. In their native tongue they yelled “Oh God can they turn me into a tree?!” Who wanted to be turned into a tree? But terror subsided; they felt no threat or feeling of death from this beautiful Sequoya swaying in the sun. And there was a whisper in their minds that they couldn’t ignore, this was love, this was not war. President Oppenheimer along with Vice President Einstein went to visit the Japanese Hierarchy and signed a peace treaty. They also gave a public apology for the sole casualty they were responsible for. A Kamikaze Yamamoto, who was at ground zero when the bomb went off. Poor Mr. Yamamoto was nearly sent into outer space as he was shot up from the instant manifestation of the redwood. But not to worry, three years later Kamikaze Yamamoto would be the first human being brought back to life using the next generation science that preceded the Magic Redwood. In fact, after MR-45 the whole world went to work. But not on the bomb as was the case in your reality, but on all sorts of scientific magic dedicated primarily to expressions of humanitarianism. And unlike your world where everyone is hiding inventions and keeping secrets, men and women no longer had that fear in our world. They were proud of their achievements and no one needed to steal others ideas, they were so inspired by America’s bravery that they were filled with courage themselves. Food for the hungry, cures for the major diseases, more magic redwoods. Australia was the first to bring back an extinct animal and integrate it back into the wild. It was the Tasmanian tiger of which humans were responsible for initially obliterating. We were now responsible for its rebirth. The world was a magic show. God what a time to be alive, the modern renaissance! Before the year 2000 Earth was an international community. We began terraforming Mars and Venus, We went outside our solar system and met with our brothers in space who refused to engage us before. Now they saw our love. They were no longer afraid of a relationship with the people of Earth. People live forever now. There is no overpopulation. The education system is completely rewired, and so as a result, children are now well educated. There is no television. We are all vegetarians three hundred days out of the year. We all live exciting lives of wonder, engagement and luxury. No one is poor. There are no classes of men. We share everything equally. There is no money. We no longer covet imaginary ideas like monetary wealth. We are wealthy in our hearts. We are all well fed and all have the right and the privileged to move about the galaxy. There are no passports because no one needs to be in absolute control of anyone else anymore. There is still crime, but it’s on the decline. Because there is no point in stealing when all you have to do is ask, and people don’t kill very often because others reach out to those who are in trouble instead of casting them out or being selfish with their time. There is all the time in the world. It is what we created, it is what are hearts desired. We wanted love, we wanted knowledge, we wanted to see all there was to see. So we were brave and stood up in what we believed in. Ironically as you forced yourself into the position of God you dug your own grave. As we humbled ourselves and loved one another, we were graduated and given all the powers of God. It was a simple choice that your world did not make and I lament…


You will never get to see a Dodo Bird or a Tyrannosaurus Rex. You will never learn about our ancestors from Sirius and Orion or what’s at the center of the earth. You will only get a glimpse of what could have been when you see us as blinking lights in the sky, hallucinations in the rain-forest. That is when we call to those with hearts for minds still stuck in the other world looking for peace. Hoping that there will be another Oppenheimer and Einstein with the courage to do what is right.


I conclude this story by following those who have hearts for brains, doing everything exactly the opposite as you have done in your world. I introduce myself now at the end of my story. I am an atom from the first bomb that you dropped in the desert of New Mexico. When you detonated me, I was blasted into the future, taken back to the past, I saw ghosts, I saw the devil. I saw all that is, was and ever will be. I saw true beauty. I saw God and he said, “Life is a strange thing isn’t it? For God’s sake you’re an atom!” Then he redirected my energy into space, space the size of the entire universe, and he filled it with Einstein and Oppenheimer hearts and intent. That is how our world was created, through the mistakes of yours. So in the end when your world comes crashing down, and sadly it most likely will. Know that God did not turn his back on you, he already saved you. On July 16, 1945 when you made your decision to kill in fear instead of create in love on the greatest scale, God, along with a few good men saved you. Your world survives through its child, us.


So over here, when we compare our Magic show to your Cold War, or your “Computer” age to our Earth Age, we are not bragging, nor are we looking down upon you. We are missing you, we are regretting your decisions, and we are honored to be the continuation of your legacy. Because your death was our life. And we thank you sincerely.




The People of the Redwood.