The Coca Cola Controversy

Instead of dividing yourself once again from another group of people because their perspective is skewed, maybe we should try to enlighten them. Because if you can’t tolerate the intolerant, you are also intolerant. Which means you are no better than them. It may make you feel good about yourself to scoff because you think you are more open minded then that random twitter correspondent with this Coca-Cola thing, but your not. Your not better than them, you just happen to have a better handle on this particular subject. So be a teacher not a complainer. Invite them to join us not exclude them because they are ‘ignorant’. You we’re once more ignorant then them, and you grew. Remember that. Remember we are all human and we are suppose to help each other. Remember the key to individual and world success for our species is the path from ignorance to enlightenment. Education is key.

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